Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Happens

Wow! I have been absent from my blog since November due to LIFE, yes, LIFE HAPPENS. I feel as though I have been so removed from the foodie world these past months that the above picture from Siberia is so apropos (thanks to Marty Friend for his great camera skills).  As much as my passion for food brings joy to my life, sometimes LIFE is such a stronger current and something has to give.  Giving pause so that LIFE could happen, I have been absent from blogging for five months.  I hope to get back in the swing of things this week, however, I can't seem to find my USB cord for my camera.  Alas, LIFE  has also shoved my camera to the backseat and the kids have been on a scavenger hunt for the past couple of days. I wish them luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you find your USB cord soon. Welcome back!
