Monday, February 16, 2009

Angel Food Ministries

During these hard economic times, we are looking for ways to cut our spending. Groceries can be a big monthly expenditure depending on your family size and your spending habits. For my family of five, I will spend between $350-$550 a month on groceries. I know this ranks on the lower end for most people, but if you shop wisely, take advantage of sale items, and use coupons, this can be done. However, for some families, even $350 a month for groceries is out of their reach.

We see on the news everyday how much our fellow neighbors are struggling and how some, especially the elderly, are having to decide if they are going to eat on any given day. Our local newspaper has been reporting over the past weeks how the Meals On Wheels program is making budget cuts which in turn would cut out one hot meal per week for those who depend on it. The paper stated that some of the elderly are living on Cheerios because they can not afford groceries. Angel Food Ministries can literally be a life saver for so many struggling right now.

I heard about Angel Food Ministries some time ago, but never took the time to research it. I was under the impression that there would be income guidelines which I knew my family would not qualify. Several months ago I decided to check out the website at and was blown away. There is no income guideline or any other sort of requirement to participate in this program. The only catch is that there are not distribution sites in all states. However, within a 15 mile radius of my home, there are three sites. Any church can request information and potentially provide this wonderful program to its community.

Angel Food Ministries has actually been around since 1994 when Joe and Linda Wingo started the ministry in an effort to help those who were struggling financially. The website states that the ministry now provides food for over 500,000 families per month and I am sure this number will jump considerably over the next six months with all of the current unemployment in our country.

Each month, Angel Food Ministries puts out a menu that will feed a family of four for a week for only $30!!! Just some of the items on the menu for February are Boneless Pork Chops, Chicken Breast, Sirloin Strip Steaks, veggies, soup mix, shelf staple milk, eggs, and even a dessert! Wow-a family of four could order the monthly menu times four (to my knowledge there is no limit) and only spend $120 for the bulk of their food. Angel Food Ministries also offers additional boxes of special items once a family has purchased one of the main menu boxes. These additional boxes could supplement and round out the monthly menu. An example would be a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Box for only $21 or a Frozen Side & Fixin's Box for only $16. They also provide a Senior/Convenience Box with ten pre-packed meals that only need to be heated.

Please shout at the top of your lungs and pass on the website for Angel Food Ministries and check to see if it is available in your area. Maybe you have a family member, neighbor, friend or church member who could benefit from this wonderful ministry. Remember, this is open to absolutely ANYONE. Thank you Joe and Linda Wingo and all those who make this program possible.

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